Tuesday, August 16, 2011

You know, of course, that these posts start at the bottom?

I'm doing excerpts from Barbara Sher's Live The Life You Love, and I'm doing them in order (and you must pretend I'm doing them in Norwegian!) Well, all I can say is, start with the oldest post or you might be very confused.

Or maybe it doesn't even matter. Let's see.

This is excerpt two of Lesson One: What Motivates You?

"All the same, most of us have made some attempts to try to develop our talents. The urge to follow your gifts never quite goes away. Many of us have flirted with our dreams, taking a class or two in something we loved. Most of the time we were unable to find the motivation to follow through and turn these beginnings into a serious commitment - far less a career. Some people seem to have the drive to be unstoppable, to take themselves seriously, to never give up. They are the envy of us all. So how do we become like them?

Well, I don't know about you, but when I read that paragraph I wondered if the author had been reading my mail. It's an exact description of me, and most of my friends as well, even the talented ones I was sure would throw themselves completely into their beloved work. They did more than I did, that's for sure, but they stopped too. Why do some people hang on to their dreams like a pitbull and others of us just forget them as if they don't matter? Or, as if we don't matter, because we lack the drive to dedicate ourselves to them.


  1. That last paragraph above was written by me in a fictitious voice, pretending to be someone else to illustrate what I'm thinking about doing.

  2. Barbara, So you don't have to have a "fictitious" voice.
    Here's mine. I've always hung on tenaciously to my dreams. Too much so it seems. I've not carved much financial success out of my adventures, but it sure has been interesting and amazing. What troubles me is that I work very hard and I seem to stop short of really creating success, would like to figure out why.
